Storm Water Maintenance – Fairfax, VA

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Project Information

Description-During the storm water maintenance project, our team diligently carried out maintenance services for storm sewers and drainage systems across various locations in Fairfax County. As part of these services, we successfully implemented the installation of various classes of rip raps and 850 square yards of jute mats, which played a crucial role in preventing erosion and promoting stability in the affected areas. Additionally, we also installed 700 square yards of deck matting known as Mega Deck HD Advanced, which served as a durable protective layer for t he underlying surfaces. In our endeavor to ensure the long term sustainability of these areas, we went beyond mere maintenance tasks. We actively engaged in multiple erosion control activi ties, employing various techniques to minimize the harmful effects of water runoff and potential soil erosion. Furthermore, our commitment extended to tree preservation activities to contribute to the overall environmental preservation in Fairfax County.
  • Location:Fairfax, VA

Storm Water Maintenance

During the storm water maintenance project, our team diligently carried out maintenance services for storm sewers and drainage systems across various locations in Fairfax County. As part of these services, we successfully implemented the installation of various classes of rip raps and 850 square yards of jute mats, which played a crucial role in preventing erosion and promoting stability in the affected areas. Additionally, we also installed 700 square yards of deck matting known as Mega Deck HD Advanced, which served as a durable protective layer for t he underlying surfaces. In our endeavor to ensure the long term sustainability of these areas, we went beyond mere maintenance tasks. We actively engaged in multiple erosion control activi ties, employing various techniques to minimize the harmful effects of water runoff and potential soil erosion. Furthermore, our commitment extended to tree preservation activities to contribute to the overall environmental preservation in Fairfax County.